
Intel driver support and assistant
Intel driver support and assistant

Intel® DSA requires a compatible web browser to display information and updates. What Web Browsers Does Intel® DSA Support? If your OS is not supported, visit the Download Center to look for available drivers. Intel® DSA supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the following Microsoft Operating Systems: What Operating Systems Does Intel® DSA Support? See our Privacy Notice for more information. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Intel® Driver & Support Assistant only collects system and device information. What information does Intel® DSA collect?

  • Typical installation, loading, and analysis takes approximately three to six minutes using a broadband Internet connection (DSL/Cable).
  • View a list of which drivers and software are included.

    intel driver support and assistant

  • Intel® DSA offers a subset of the drivers and software available on Download Center.
  • It also connects to, and, all on port 443 (HTTPS).
  • Intel® DSA accesses localhost on ports 28385-28389.
  • You can download the application from the Intel® DSA download page for free.
  • There is no fee associated with Intel® Driver & Support Assistant.
  • Provides integrated support and links to other support information.
  • intel driver support and assistant

  • Scans for Intel driver and software updates as well as system and device information.
  • Easily identifies drivers installed by Intel and third parties.
  • Intel® DSA helps keep your Intel drivers and software up to date with the following features: Intel® Driver & Support Assistant is a free downloadable application for computers running the Microsoft Windows* Operating System. What is the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant? Before you use Intel® DSA, refer to this page to ensure that your product is compatible with Intel® DSA.

    intel driver support and assistant

    While Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA) can detect and offer upgrades for many of the drivers and software that are available on Download Center, you may have an Intel product that isn’t supported by this tool.

    Intel driver support and assistant